Parent Resources in the Children's Room
Did you know that we have an extensive collection of parenting books and videos located in the Children's Room?
You can now find the parenting collection in the Picture Book Section, right near our storytimes room and puppet theater. There, you'll discover books on topics such as caring for newborns, calming toddler tantrums, what to expect in navigating the elementary school system, and even where to go and what to do on car trips.
Local Parenting Resources
Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Rockland County
Big Brothers Big Sisters pairs a child at risk with a role model and starts something incredible – a one-to-one relationship built on trust and friendship that can blossom into a future of unlimited potential… Because the children who have someone to confide in and to look up to, do better in school at home and at a time in their lives when even small choices can change the course of their future! The “Littles”, as they are known, are also more likely to avoid violence and substance abuse.
Rockland BOCES, in partnership with local school districts and their communities, the Board of Regents and the Commissioner of Education, is a leader in providing quality, cost-effective, educationally focused programs and services that support learners in achieving high standards.
Childcare Resources of Rockland
Their mission is to promote, support and enhance the healthy development of all children by providing resource and referral services for families seeking childhood and school age care and education, and by offering childcare training and networking opportunities.
Food Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
WIC is a free nutrition program for women who are pregnant or nursing and for children under the age of five. Participants who qualify based on financial, medical or nutritional needs receive vouchers (coupons) to purchase supplemental, nutritious foods such as milk, eggs, cheese, juice and cereal.
Head Start of Rockland
Head Start and Early Head Start are federally funded programs providing preschool education, nutrition, health and family services for low income children ages birth to five and their families.
Hudson 211
United Way's 2-1-1 Helpline is a free, confidential, multilingual service to assist the public in finding the answers to a variety of Health and Human Services related questions. It is open 365 days a year.
The mission of Jawonio, The Center for People with Disabilities and Special Needs, is to advance the independence, well-being and equality of people with disabilities or special needs. Jawonio provides comprehensive medical, clinical, rehabilitative, educational, employment, day habilitation services, service coordination and community living services to children and adults with physical, developmental and/or emotional disabilities.
New York State Parenting Portal
This parenting resource from the NYS Council on Children and Families includes several sections:
- An easy to use locator for NYS child care, preschools, and after school programs, in one easy-to-access location.
- A Multiple Systems Navigator to access helpful health, education, human service and disability information on one user-friendly website.
-A Parent Guide: STARTING LIFE TOGETHER. Guide to the first five years of your parenting journey.
-Every Student Present: Ways to Help Your Child Attend School Every Day. Learn how to boost your child’s confidence, keep your child on track with school work, protect your child from bullies and keep your child healthy.
Nyack Center
The mission of the Nyack Center is to create connections across social, cultural and economic boundaries by providing programs, facilities, and opportunities for service. They offer programs that nurture children, teens and families, and provide space for others with similar goals.
Nyack Schools
The website aims to strengthen vital connections between schools, families and the greater community by providing information, a welcome to meetings and events, and an invitation to become more involved in Nyack’s public schools.
People to People, Inc.
People To People is a local Rockland County charity that helps families and individuals in Rockland County find short term assistance with food and other services that help individuals break the cycle of poverty and address the challenges in their lives.
​Rockland County Children and Family Services
Provides preventive and protective services to children, adults and families in their time of need, always with the goal of keeping families intact.
Rockland County Department of Health
The Rockland County Department of Health’s homepage provides links to information on family and community health, women and children’s health, environmental information, communicable diseases, as well as health news and events. Includes programs and services to help all Rockland children and youth grow, develop and be healthy, including resources about breastfeeding, immunizations, safety, early interventions for children with special needs, low cost health insurance, nutrition and WIC.
The Center for Safety and Change
The Center for Safety and Change (formerly The Rockland Family Shelter) is a privately operated, grassroots organization dedicated to ending violence against women, children and youth. Their services are culturally sensitive and multi-lingual.
Rockland Jewish Family Services
Rockland Jewish Family Service provides confidential therapy services and other services to individuals, couples and families, and groups, regardless of race, religion, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or ability to pay.
Rockland 21 C
Rockland 21C’s mission is to ensure the best possible future for every child by building a comprehensive support system that links family, school and community. Rockland 21C is comprised of Rockland's eight school districts, Rockland BOCES, early education and childcare centers, after-school programs, youth development and recreation programs, teachers' centers, colleges, government, and business leaders, as well as many public and private agencies including: social service organizations, health and mental health organizations, law enforcement, faith communities, and libraries.
Nyack School District
The Nyack Basics are five child caring principles that can be used with babies and toddlers every day to help them grow and thrive.
Nyack Public Schools Family Resource Centers
The Family Resource Center's mission is to ensure the optimal development of all Nyack School District children by supporting families and by advocating and fostering innovative programs and integrated services involving family, school, and community.
Upper Nyack Elementary School
Valley Cottage Elementary School
Liberty Elementary School
Free Online Parenting Resources
Bedtime Math
Click on “Daily Math” for 5 quick minutes of number fun for kids ages 2 and up along with their parents at home. Read a cool fun fact, followed by math riddles at different levels so everyone can jump in. Also, “Our Fun Math Apps” are available in English and Spanish.
Crossword Solver
Connects people with resources to explore and solve word searches.
Educational games for preschool-8th Grade.
NASA Stem activities for Grades K-12.
PBS Kids
Educational games, videos and art activities for children.
PBS Learning Media
Educational resources for parents and teachers working with PreK - Grade 12, searchable by grade or subject.
Scratch is a free programming language and online community where you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations.
Sesame Street
Educational games, videos and art activities for children.
Sesame Workshop
Parenting and educational resources in English and español.
Starfall® is a free public service that includes language arts and mathematics for preschool – 3rd Grade.
Wordle Solver